It’s never to late to start over…..

Flame is the new King of gospel rap!

I was feeling mighty bad over the events of the weekend prior to my Family Awards and it had me in a bad head space. I was begging and pleading with God to not make me have certain consequences for my actions. I cried, I prayed, I sighed, I begged and anything else I could think of that would make God say something. Well I heard him say “No condemnation Tracy, I knew what you were going to do before it even happened and I still breathe life into you. This will not stop you or deter you from the road of blessings I have prepared for you. The only thing that will stop you is condemnation. I am not about that. I’m about forgiveness, compassion, mercy, grace and favor. Faith is now and I need you to start over!”

This song blessed my spirit and I pray it does the same for you.

Don’t trip off the mistakes of yesterday or even seconds ago. God has mercy, grace, favor, compassion and forgiveness for it all.


Much Love,

Tracy B

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