When they speak, I listen!

When the rocks cry out, I listen through the tears!

I have this thing with rocks. I’m not sure of how it happened or the exact date of when it happened but I do know I’ve been fascinated with the things of earth since my beginning and even more so today. I love looking up at the clouds and figuring out what God is showing me. I love the flowers and plants, their colors, their scent, their design, and even the beautiful butterflies flowers and plants attract. I love the stories of the trees, the colors of the leaves and the rocks that I view as chipped fragments of earth and time. I have memories of walking with my children, looking down and seeing rocks that spoke, not literally, but stood out from the multitude. My children would drop their heads and whisper to each other, ‘here she goes again’. I just laugh, pick up my rock and keep walking. I don’t expect anyone to see what I see, hear what I hear or even think like I think. We are all different for a BEAUTIFUL reason and that reason is to show our likeness.  We are all ONE of a kind, the human kind. That’s an entirely different post. Let me regain focus.- hmmph!

So I’ve got rocks everywhere baring all shapes, colors, sizes and zip codes. Yes, I go on vacation and bring back rocks. Each rock tells a story of its account but not all stories are memorable, however I have a few that are.  The stories they’ve shared with me allowed me to name them.

Gratitude (gray, black, white stripe) – Dark and gloomy I may seem but I am strong. No matter what happened in my course of travel, my gratefulness for it all keeps leaping me forth, gaining all.

Love (shades of brown with a black crack going through it) – I am everything rolled in one and I love all of me. You may see scars on the outside but my shades of love run deep, scars haven’t even reached the surface of me.

Joy (swirl light brown and cream) I sometimes have mixed emotions and my feelings may be intertwined but the joy of me is what’s often seen; for the swirl of my anchored soul has learned to channel the right energy.

Faith (clear glass with chiseled tan, beige and gray) I am transparent and also unseen. I need for you to see what is not yet seen so that it can be seen. So it’s best you go through me.

Prosperity (lavender, with a streak of brown) I am relaxed, bold, royal and solid in my stance. I don’t work, I don’t labor, I just inhale the blessings of being who I am. I am not one thing. I am in everything, I’ve taken a stand!

Hope you all enjoyed one of my many earth things I do and hearing the messages they speak.  Feel free to share some of yours. I’m looking forward to hearing from my Fav’s anytime you wish to speak.

Much Love,

Tracy B

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