Well do it then…..

 If you will offer up the suffering that you have endured I will honor your sacrifice, and it will become a sweet fragrance to Me.  

I received this message early morning and I’ve been pondering over it since.  I feel all I do is offer my suffering for God to take care of and turn it into joy but this message indicates suffering will become honored sacrifice and smell of sweet fragrance to God. Now here’s where my confusion comes in to play, if I’m doing these things why am I not getting the second half, the beauty, of this message? I have the suffering and sacrifice down pack, as I’m sure some of you do as well but where’s the honor and the possibility of our sacrifice becoming sweet and making God take notice?

I had to go to The Source for clarification’

21-BENETT-WINDOWS-OF-HEAVEN-MAL-3-10-1“I say unto you this day and everyday going forth, My word will not return to Me void. Each place I send it, it produces, it speaks, it works, it is so! If  you would consider the simple things you will finally reap the big harvest. I only ask that you change your perception, the way you think, the way you see it, the way you feel about it determines everything. I’ve asked repeatedly that you believe, don’t doubt. I’ve asked repeatedly that you think differently. I’ve given you power in your position, power to create what you desire things be. You don’t give Me your suffering. You give me the problem and your resolution. Giving Me your suffering requires you letting go completely. You have to believe harder than you suffer. You’re here on purpose and I’ve just placed you in position. Now watch the miracle in meeting Me and giving me all of you!”

I believe, I let go and now I’ll sit back and receive all God has for me.  Are you willing to let it all go to get God’s anointed flow?

Much Love,

Tracy B

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